About the Author.

Firstly let me say, I have no graces. I’m not the bearer of a University Education. I’ve not got ten best sellers under my belt and I don’t profess to tell you how to write a New York Times Best Seller.

What I am, is a man with an imagination nearly as big as my ambition. Ambition, that is – to show my children you can do what ever you want in this world, not just what social restraint labels you. If your not going to believe in yourself then who’s going to? am I right?

Speaking of children, let me tell you about my tribe. I am a father of three beautiful children, each one – my life long MC.

F610E687-2E3A-48DA-A6AE-976CC8CCAD70-23-02-19-03-54Rhiannon is my eldest, I came into her life at the age of 8. I’ve been blessed to watch her grow into the young woman she is today and cant wait to see what she does with her life in the future.




She is also of an age where her brother and sister can look up to the great example she sets… Speaking of the  little devils:IMG_0187-23-02-19-03-54

Ellis and Annabelle can be the inspiration for my protagonist and at times my antagonists! a real duo, and best friends through thick and thin. My wife and biggest supporter in my writing journey is Laura. Best friend and biggest critique id be lost without her!2381D1D1-9C00-4D4F-BF19-B72263D27A7E-23-02-19-03-47

I work as the ‘everyman’ day to day, fixing electrical cables for a utility company. I live in the gym and on this laptop. My life is content, filled with laughter and exploration. I hope you’ll join me as I try to make something of this life long hobby of mine and bring my stories to people of all different paths around the world.


I’m not saying it wont be a bumpy road, that I’ll get it right first time but hey, where’s the fun in being perfect?!